What is AvoidJS

AvoidJS is a simple experimental library the main purpose of which is too provide a tool and the code style that helps to separate HTML and JS code completely.

Actions and events

The cornerstone of AvoidJS is events and actions. UI part reacts to the events that JS part produces and performs actions based on them. This makes JS code 100% UI-agnostic, which means that JS code now can focus solely on application logic and don't worry about UI.

So if regular code would loook something like this:

With AvoidJS it will look something like this:

So as you can see JS code doesn't care how UI will react to the result of the action, while HTML code only cares about UI and waits for events to fire.

# Benefits

  • cleaner JS code and explicit HTML code
  • macros - define complex actions as a set of instructions
  • extensibility - create your own actions
  • templates - define and reuse HTML templates
  • test UI with fake events (no need to execute application logic to test UI, just fire events)
  • better unit testing of JS code (probably, why not)
  • currently AvoidJS is just a prototype, it's not intended to be used without precautions
  • it's not a rip off from any other library, framework or even code samples if such even exists
  • as of right now the library isn't covered with any tests
  • this documentation doesn't cover all details and features of the library and mainly serves as an introduction page

# Examples

Show / hide element using actions


Show / hide element using macros


Toggle display of element using macros


Render element


Render template


Propery expressions


Action variables


# What next

While the future of the project remains uncertain, these are current priorities:

  • cover code with unit tests
  • improve implementation of certain components
  • expand documentation

If you want to learn more about the library, you can take a look at the source code on github or view the source code of this website as it uses AvoidJS for every UI part.